Pastors Stand for our Traditional Biblical Marriage
Many Alabama Pastors wish to be identified with traditional values and wish to serve as a witness to our community to point others with a moral compass to the old time tested proven ways. You are encouraged to contact the below pastors, especially those in your local community. Discuss with them this major issue of the day. Bring them your questions and concerns.
We wish also to include on our advisory board, Educators. As we can call all relate to educators or teachers, who taught us about the facts of life. They taught us important moral values, including pitfalls to avoid, such as the gay homosexual lifestyle.
You may wish to contact your pastor and encourage him to join. Also educators or teachers should be encouraged to be a part of this adviser board. This includes public, private, or Christian schools.
If you are a pastor or an educator who wishes to be a witness of salt and light to your community, please contact the email listed below to have your name added. To join you must completely agree with the following statement, "I believe in the Bible and I believe that marriage is only between one man and one woman."
You will need to retype the email address into your computer

Please include the following information:
Rev. or Pastor
Church Name
City and County
Web Site if available
Alabama Pastors Advisory Board
Rev. Tom Benz
Millbrook, AL - Elmore County
Rev Mike Allison
Madison Baptist Church
Madison, Al - Madison County
Pastor Mike Westmoreland
Madison Street Baptist Church
Athens, Al - Limestone County
Rev Jody Trautwein
Joshua Generation Ministries
P.O.Box 94794
Birmingham, Alabama 35220
(205) 365-2757
Rev John Anderson
Dothan, Al - Houston County
The public are encouraged to contact the above members of Pastors Advisory Board concerning questions of Traditional Marriage vs. Gay Marriage. It is recommend that you contact a local pastor.
Email this page to a friend. See below.
Judge Roy Moore enters state's gay marriage debate
MONTGOMERY � Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is not just asking voters to support him for governor in the Republican primary June 6. The Ten Commandments judge also wants them to cast ballots that day in support of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages.
At a news conference Tuesday, Moore joined 16 ministers from across the state to urge a strong turnout on the issue � which is expected to pass easily and could be a factor as he challenges GOP Gov. Bob Riley in the primary.
"Christians across the state have an obligation to turn out on something as important as this," Moore said.
The outcome of the statewide referendum on same-sex mairriages is hardly in doubt � voters in Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky and Arkansas approved similar bans in 2004, and this Bible Belt state is overwhelmingly expected to do the same. But a political scientist said that even though Riley also supports the ban, a big turnout might help Moore a little in their primary battle.
"The most fervent anti-gay marriage voters are his voters," said David Lanoue, chairman of the political science department at the University of Alabama.
Moore said his main role will be to encourage Alabamians to vote.
The 16 ministers at the news conference are helping organize the Alabama Coalition Against Same Sex Marriage, and Moore agreed to serve as their honorary chairman.
"I think it will produce one of the largest turnouts we've ever seen in Alabama," he said.
Traditionally, the voter turnout for the primary election in Alabama is much smaller than the general election. In 2002, 35 percent of the registered voters participated in the primary and 58 percent in the general election.
Moore is making his first race for public office since a state judicial court kicked him out of the chief justice's job in 2003 for refusing to abide by a court order to remove his Ten Commandments monument from display in the state judicial building. Riley supported Moore's display until the chief justice refused to obey the court order, and now they have become political rivals in a classic contest between the Republican Party's two factions: religious conservatives and the business community.
Riley has maintained strong ties to the business community throughout his term and, Lanoue said, he has worked recently to strengthen his ties to religious conservatives. "They are not just Roy Moore's for the asking," the political scientist said.
Voters in both the Republican and Democratic primaries on June 6 will get to vote on the proposed constitutional amendment.
One of the ministers attending the news conference with Moore, the Rev. Paul Hubbard, pastor of Lakeview Baptist Church in Montgomery, said he expects the impact of a bigger turnout to be spread out.
"This is a moral issue. There are just as many Democrats for it as Republicans," he said.
Equality Alabama, the state's largest gay rights organization, said it will encourage Alabamians to vote no on the constitutional amendment, arguing it would enshrine hatred in the state's constitution much like the unenforceable segregationist language that remains in Alabama's organic law.
"I hope our people will say we've had hate in the past, and let's not do this anymore," Chairman Howard Bayless said.
Despite the opposition from Equality Alabama, supporters say the only unknown about the June 6 referendum is the size of the margin of victory.
"It will be overwhelmingly in favor of the ban � at least 80 percent or more," House Speaker Seth Hammett, D-Andalusia, predicted Tuesday.
Judge Roy Moore agrees to serve as honorary chairman
Click Here for petition of American Family Association
Anti Gambling
Hebrews 13:4
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Like wise our forefathers in early Alabama
passed laws to suppress openly homosexual behavior. Our forefathers
did not consider homosexuals to be normal people, as they took the
word of God seriously.
These laws and traditions have been maintained
to even today. Shall we remove the landmarks established by our
forefathers? Is the human reasoning put forth by the liberal
newspapers wiser than the wisdom of our forefathers?